Huge congrats to all artists at KP24
Jonas Erboe, Spatial Operations (Jens Stegger Ledaal) and Ihsan Saad Ihsan Tahir
Artists at KP23
Congrats to all artists at KP23
Olivia Hvass, Lior Nønne Malue Hansen, Cecilie Penney and The Institute of Emancipatory Science (Asker Bryld Staunæs and Benjamin Krog Møller)
Artists at KP22-digital
Congrats to artists at KP22-digital
Artists at KP22
Congrats to artists at KP22
Yinon Avior, Ditte Johanne Krogh Bertelsen, Pia Skogberg and Mette Hegnhøj and Matilde Søes Rasmussen
Artists and list of works KP21-digital
The 16 Artists at KP21-digital incl. list of works
Marie Kaarøe, Pascal Mayet, Kamilla Mez and Olivia Willman
Artists at KP19
Congratulations to the artists at KP19 (* debutant at KP) Hannah Anbert* Pernille Lærke Andersen*...